Master Alloys
All prices are per Troy ounce. The first letter denotes the basic color. Y=Yellow, R=red or rose, etc. The next letter is L for light M for medium and D for dark for further color description. Then we have the number of the specific alloy. If casting additives are in the recipe, the number is followed by a “c” for casting.
Volume discounts do apply. Up to $3.50 less per Toz at 100Toz! 10Toz per alloy saves $1.0 per Toz.
We do not have online payment quite yet, we will contact you directly for any order submitted.
W100c for nickel based white gold from 10kt through 18kt.
$5.45 -
RD52c Dark rose or red gold best suited to 10k and 14k
$5.95 -
RM51c Rose gold best suited to 10k and 14k
$7.08 -
YM21c Medium yellow casting alloy for 10k, 14k
$9.03 -
YM32c Medium yellow casting alloy for 10k, 14k, or 18k
$10.24 -
YL34c Light yellow alloy for 10k, 14k, yet works well as a medium yellow 18k
$10.99 -
RL80c Light Rose Master Alloy for 14k, 18k.
$11.61 -
RL80c Light Rose Master Alloy for 14k, 18k. Non silicon fabrication alloy.
$11.61 -
YL303c High silver light yellow casting alloy for 14k, 18k
$12.09 -
YL711c For a bright light yellow color in 14k
$13.90 -
YL711f For a bright light yellow color in 14k fabrication or stamping. No casting additives.
$13.90 -
The Essential Elements
Great alloys are made from the purest elements. We spare no expense to get OFHG (oxygen free high grade) copper, the reddish element shown. Also critical is extremely pure silver, and lastly pure zinc, the blue gray metal. When called for we turn to a variety of trace additives to make the formulas work at their best in your shop. Because we make these alloys in house we can also make any recipe you have and need. We work up custom precious metals and alloys regularly.

Custom Alloys As Needed
You might need something special. Custom work sometimes calls for custom blends. We can make almost any jewelry alloy for you. Our expertise and your creativity are a powerful match to make high quality truly custom jewelry.
Office Address
607 S Hill Street, #915
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Online Store Hours
Open 24/7. Reviewed Monday-Friday
Mailing Address
Jeweler's Alloy Company
607 S Hill Street, #915
Los Angeles, CA 90014